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Can I Sell Ny Owqn Pokem9n Art on Etsy

imagesThis is a invitee mail from yesterday's featured interview, the Mousesnaps ladies Nova & Mimi.  Their Etsy website is rolling along and today they are sharing with u.s.a. tips on how to sell well on Etsy.  Yous might also want to check out some other Abundant Artist post on how to sell your fine art online.

How to Sell Art on Etsy

Invest in your photos. Photos on any online store do much more than just showcase your item – they represent how seriously you take your business and the overall quality of your products. Invest in a good camera, larn basic photography techniques, and take plenty of photos for your shop. Of grade, not everyone is a disarming photographer. Simply half of the Mousesnaps team knows her fashion around a digital camera. If you can't seem to take skillful photos, enlist the help of a friend who'due south more skilled or has a amend camera. A lot of apprentice photographers will be willing to take photos if you offer them a photo credit on your site.

[Notation: Cheque out our guide on How to Photograph and Edit Your Art for Your Site]

Stage your postings. When y'all post a new item on Etsy, it's listed at the top of the corresponding section for a curt period of fourth dimension. This gives you and your shop increased visibility. Each time Mousesnaps has had a major sale or inquiry, it's been immediately after a new posting. If you have several items to upload, information technology makes sense to infinite your postings over a period of days to maximize your exposure.

Take advantage of categories and tags. Etsy'due south suggested tags are there for a reason – they're common items people expect for on the site. Use Etsy's suggested linguistic communication instead of your own. For instance, if you're selling a fix of kitchen towels, be sure to use the "towel" tag. Don't skip that tag and instead create your own "kitchen towel" tag – you lot will miss anyone who comes to the site and simply searches using the towel tag. If y'all have available tags left for your posting later you've selected any appropriate ones Etsy has listed, feel free to create your own.

Leverage your personal networks. Cross-promote your Etsy posts on your Facebook page, your weblog, or Twitter (Editor'southward note: I'd also add Flickr.  People go looking for images and see your stuff).  Etsy even has a toolbar feature that lets you share your new listings on Facebook, provided you're logged into both sites. Just proceed in listen that no one likes to be marketed to all the fourth dimension – so be sure to keep it entertaining for those in your networks. Don't only tweet when you're posting a new particular. And don't but update your weblog one time a week when you're adding something new to your store. Keep people involved in your business by posting anecdotes well-nigh your cosmos procedure, giving an inside wait at something as it'due south beingness completed, or simply keeping people up to date on your related endeavors. It'southward much more than interesting that mode.

Selling Art on Etsy Isn't That Hard

Do the math. Calculate the price of your materials, your time and Etsy fees to toll your products appropriately. Don't just pick a circular number considering it sounds expert. Besides – be honest with yourself nearly how much you're charging. A good way to test the quality of your product against your cost is by going to a flea marketplace or craft off-white and setting up a berth. People will be brutally honest if they call back your production is overpriced. And similarly, if your product is flight off the table, y'all know you can raise your price. Last yr, Mimi and I were selling at a local off-white when someone tried to buy an item that we said was "$4." The customer thought we said "$14," and was notwithstanding willing to buy it. Nosotros sold it at $4 anyway (we're cool similar that), simply nosotros knew nosotros could land on a price at to the lowest degree a couple of dollars college.

Cheque out the contest. Routinely patrol Etsy for sellers who are making your production or something like. Are they cheaper? Does their production look better? Adjust your listings so that you lot're competitively priced. If you think you lot have a superior production, explain the difference in your production descriptions. Remember what we said nigh the photos – advent is everything! Make sure your store has an awesome shop proper noun, too.

Love what you do. It sounds then corny, but you lot accept to similar what y'all're doing to be successful. It'south a existent shocker that the two of usa dear mousetraps so much – but information technology'due south true! We've had huge orders come in and had to drop plans and paint all solar day and night to get them out. Information technology was strangely fun for us, and so nosotros know we're on the right rails.

Still looking for the correct market place to sell your art? Take a expect at our eBay guide too: How to Sell Art on eBay
