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Mcdonalds Doesnt Serve Beef in India Segmentation Strategy

Analysis on Marketing Partition of McDonald's

McDonald's is 1 of the well-nigh popular fast-food restaurants companies in the world. The way McDonald's congenital its marketing partition remains mysterious. Though in that location are multiple articles online discussing its marketing strategy, none of them clearly point the different approaches McDonald's utilized to build its marketing segmentation. In gild to analyze McDonald's approaches to build marketing segmentation, seven different countries' McDonald'south websites are visited and the product types information from the official bill of fare list on the websites are extracted. These seven countries represent seven continents while Antarctica is not considered. Bharat and China are chosen since they are the most populated countries on the Earth. Then, every approach that McDonald'due south using in building marketing sectionalization is listed out and how these approaches contribute to the overall construction is analyzed. The approaches all have advantages and drawbacks at the same time. Meanwhile, the five-year total render rates indicate that McDonald's has won its customers' hearts in these several years.

CCS Concepts:Practical computing → Business procedure management;

KEYWORDS: Fast food, marketing division

ACM Reference Format:
Jing An. 2020. Analysis on Marketing Segmentation of McDonald'southward. In 2020 The quaternary International Conference on E-Business and Internet (ICEBI 2020), October 09-11, 2020, Singapore, Singapore. ACM, New York, NY, United states of america, 4 pages.

1 Introduction

McDonald's is one of the almost popular restaurant chains in the world. Nowadays, at that place are more 40000 McDonald'southward restaurants globally which serve tens of millions of customers every mean solar day [2]. The question becomes what did McDonald's do in order to make certain its customers stuck on McDonald's products. The difficult part is that each of the customers has a different profile. The profile could include elements equally broad as nationality and elements that are much more specific such equally preference of meat. To satisfy all these needs, it'due south crucial to know about customers and build a marketing segmentation so that the other departments could start advertising and branding accordingly. Indeed, McDonald'southward marketing team does a lot of work behind and one of its jobs is to build customer segmentation in gild to know their customers amend and target new potential customers. In the following text, the goal is to explore what approaches do McDonald'due south utilise to build marketing segmentation.

2 Methodology

ii.1 Information Collection

McDonald'due south is a behemothic international fast-food company. Bated from its operation in the U.Southward, McDonald's also operates in some other 117 countries across the earth [one]. In addition, these 118 countries in total cover all seven continents. Since the goal is to explore all approaches used by McDonald's to build its marketing segmentation and geographic approach is one of its components. It's necessary to option countries that stand for its continents. The bill of fare data would be extracted from each country'south McDonald'southward website. It'southward logically sound to select countries that accept the most population in its continents. Thus, the following countries were selected which are the U.South, Red china, Bharat, Brazil, Egypt, Australia and Germany. The reason that Egypt is chosen instead of the two other countries with more population is that those two countries exercise non have McDonald'southward functioning as for now. Meanwhile, China and India are selected together because they are two of the most populated countries in the world and they take almost identical populations as now. Final but not least, Russia does non have an official McDonald'southward site which makes the data collection incommunicable. In this case, Russia was replaced with Frg which are on the second place with most population in Europe.

2.2 Geographic Approach

McDonald'due south is an international fast-food chain. In this case, it not only has restaurants in the U.S, but also in other countries. People living in different countries have very different eating habits and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, McDonald'south must segment different regions correctly in guild to keep its dominance in the globe. In Table one, region and density are the two major criteria McDonald'southward take into account. Under the region criteria, it indicates whether the region is domestic or international is the first parameter McDonald's takes into account. McDonald'south developed farther strategies to perfect its marketing segmentation plan. In fact, McDonald'south menus differ all over the world. Every bit a result of different preferences on the meat kind, McDonald'due south adjusts its card accordingly in different countries.

Tabular array ane. Geographical approach to McDonald's marketing segmentation

Type of sectionalisation Division criteria McDonald'southward target segment
Geographic Region Domestic/international
Density Urban/rural

Table 2.Type of burgers in each country [iv]

Country Chicken "burger" types percentage Beefiness "burger" types Per centum other(fish/veggie)
U.S ii 16.66% 9 75% one
Prc 3 23.07% 8 61.53% ii
Brazil 3 17.64% 14 82.35% 0
Egypt 12 42.86% 14 50.00% 2/one
India four 50.00% 0 0% 1/3
Germany three 23.07% 7 53.eight% two/2
Australia five 25.00% xiii 65.00% two/one

Table 2 displays the distribution of McDonald'southward flagship product(burgers) on the carte in different regions around the world. It'southward clear that McDonald'south does not continue the same menu for different countries. All of them showed some differences compared to other countries. 1 of the countries that stand up out is Bharat. Due to factors like religious beliefs and local customs, a lot of Indians view cattle as a holy symbol. Thus, beef is not welcome in Indian civilization. McDonald'south took beef products entirely from the menu not only to ensure its turn a profit but also to respect the local culture in a sense. Another land that stands out in this tabular array is Egypt. McDonald's Egypt provides nigh burger products among these seven countries. The locals seem to have a split preference on different meat kinds. Thus, McDonald's just offered Egyptians tons of choices to select from their desire. In add-on, the fact that Communist china and India are neighboring countries simply having two drastically different menus indicates that geographic arroyo is highly crucial. Some other example in this case is that McDonald's Japan sell TeriTama Burger in springtime and Tsukimi Burger in Autumn. Both of these burgers are for sale in express fourth dimension and designed to celebrate cherry blossom flavour and harvest moon festivals respectively [six]. This illustrates how McDonald's segment dissimilar regions based on cultural backgrounds.

Some other aspect that fits in the geographic arroyo is the density of a certain expanse. Those McDonald's in the urban area accept a greater chance of testing new products whereas those in rural areas may have a more conservative menu. This was driven by the fact that there are more people visiting the ones in urban areas. Thus, it'due south more logical for McDonald'due south to spend on advertisements and coupons in these urban locations virtually their products.

2.3 Demographic Approach

Table iii illustrates McDonald's demographic approach including age, gender, life-wheel stage occupation, religious belief, and so on. In terms of age, McDonald'south segments them into a variety of different groups. Equally for the immature child, McDonald's designed a special meal for them which is chosen "Happy Meal". There are three different setups in the U.Due south market. Meanwhile, they all consist of lilliputian chips and milk which are products that are designed for young kids. Oftentimes, at that place will be toys included in these meals. Though people in other age groups may don't value them plenty, its effect on young kids is huge. Equally for the teenager grouping who are more often than not students, McDonald has not only priced their products aggressively to retain these group of people who are sensitive near the price, but too provide amenities such as Wi-Fi to attract students [5]. As for the grown-upwardly, McDonald's offers them java products which cannot be compared to a conventional coffee shop. These designs clearly target customers who belong to different age groups. As for other segment criteria, McDonald's would create a framework that address all these characteristics.

Tabular array 3. Demographic approach to McDonald's marketing segmentation

Type of segmentation Segmentation criteria McDonald's target segment
Demographic Age All age
Gender Male/Female person
Income Low and Centre
Occupations Students, Employees

2.iv Behavioral Arroyo

In terms of Behavioral Approach, information technology plays a pregnant office inside McDonald's segmentation system. In Table four, it'south clear that McDonald'due south segmentation builder includes the caste of loyalty to the eating place and Benefits sought. The research from McDonald's UK indicates that 36% of consumers eat McDonald'south food because of its value. This 36% of respondents buy McDonald's food because they believe McDonald's products bring them great cost benefits [one]. In add-on, these consumers experience similar McDonald's not simply provides cheaper prices for its hamburgers, chips, and drinks compared to other fast-nutrient bondage, the food portion is also very ideal compared to their competitors. For instance, 20 pieces of chicken nuggets are only a little bit over six dollars which are a dollar more than compared to 10 pieces of chicken nuggets. However, McDonald's realize at that place are other customers who value fourth dimension efficiency more than the toll benefits. These groups of people may care less about how much they saved from each McDonald'south meal, but care more than about having a meal which can provide enough free energy calories in a sure corporeality of time. McDonald's, therefore, comes upwardly with dissimilar services to satisfy those customers' needs. While Drive-thru has been implemented by McDonald's since the 1960s, McDonald'due south adult this McDonald app order feature in 2013. Customers simply need to social club products they want from their mobile apps in accelerate. Then, they only demand to drive up to the curb of a McDonald's restaurant and browse a lawmaking. McDonald'due south staff would automatically bring their food exterior to their cars. This would save the customer from waiting in the line inside the restaurant and lower the burden on the kitchen during blitz hour quite a flake.

Table 4 Behavioral arroyo to McDonald'due south marketing partitioning

Type of segmentation Segmentation criteria McDonald'south target segment
Behavioral Caste of loyalty "Hard core loyals" / "Switchers"
Benefits sought Price benefits, time efficiency

Meanwhile, another attribute in the behavioral approach is the caste of loyalty. The distinction is quite obvious. At that place are those "hardcore loyals" and those "switchers" eat McDonald's occasionally according to Table four. In this case, figuring out how to retain its customers became the central. In early 2017, McDonald's launched a advantage program in its mobile app [3]. The programme would tape previous transactions and apply the credit to a future transaction. Manifestly, McDonald'south competitor Taco Bell had launched a programme similar to McDonald's program and received a considerable corporeality of growth considering of its program. Though McDonald'due south is late in the game, McDonald's reward programme would still potentially lock down those "switchers", especially those who are sensitive to a cost modify.

2.5 Psychographic Approach

The psychographic arroyo tin can exist hard to describe. In Table 5, it indicates that McDonald'due south mainly values customers' patterns of work and leisure and their lifestyle through the psychographic approach. For instance, customers who come into an urban location between 12 pm to 6 pm indicates that they are the working class who may but try to grab lunch or dinner. For those who come in between 6om to 12 am are mostly evening and nighttime shift staff, working in various shops nearby McDonald's stores. Therefore during their breaks and when they finish their task, ordinarily visit McDonald's. The last group between 12 am to 12 pm, they are more often than not the working course again who has to beginning their work early on. Interestingly, this grouping has proved to be a abiding customer. Another reason that explains why the Psychographic approach could be so hard to describe is how it links to the other approach. For case, similarities between the behavioral approach and psychographic approach tin be drawn when it comes to lifestyle. Customers who have a busy lifestyle would value time efficiency too. Furthermore, the tabular array under the geographical approach indicates there are countries that have vegetable burgers on their menus. This would indicates in that location is a certain client base who potentially alive in a vegetarian lifestyle. Thus, certain approaches could not be discussed individually.

Tabular array five: Psychographic approach to McDonald'southward marketing sectionalisation

Type of segmentation Segmentation criteria McDonald'southward target segment
Psychographic Social class Lower, working
Lifestyle NA

3 Give-and-take

The reason that McDonald's has to utilize and then many unlike approaches to build marketing sectionalization is due to its enormous scale. To accommodate so many consumers, it may have to come downward to each individual region management team to conduct marketing segmentation. In this example, a dissimilar approach has its ain advantages and disadvantages. As for the geographical arroyo and demographic arroyo, their advantage is similar to that of researchers who tin get a large corporeality of data to build upwardly the frame. On the contrary, while geographic regions practice not guarantee a homogenous preference which could mislead the research, the demographic approach can be too broad for executives to brand decisions. Meanwhile, the other two approaches would offer conclusion-makers vivid images to implement policies based on Customers' complex lifestyles and sought. However, they could be sometimes very vague and hard to implement in a lot of cases. Nevertheless, these four approaches seemed to work for McDonald's favor according to Effigy 1. From 2014 to 2019, while the total return for both the South&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrials failed to attain the 200$ mark, the total return for McDonald's was within a hair of the 250$ mark. It is clear that McDonald's five-year total return outruns the market, which exemplifies the marketing partition implemented by McDonald'southward is a success.

Figure 1

Effigy 1. McDonald's Five-Twelvemonth total return comparing [two]

Figure 1. McDonald's 5-Year total return comparison [2]

4 Conclusion

The four different approaches used by McDonald's to build its marketing segmentation has been proved. Though each of them is but able to contribute a limited amount of impact, utilizing them efficiently could lead to great marketing strategies. Meanwhile, these four marketing segmentation approaches could be used in a diversity of other consumer products industry. At the cease of the twenty-four hours, getting to know customers better would help any enterprise to develop a better concern plan and these approaches hither are the key elements that support the inquiry.


I would like to say thank you to Professor Stephen Coggeshall who helped me develop my concern analytic skills as well every bit offering me guidance on amalgam this newspaper. It has been an honor to work with Professor Coggeshall.


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  • McDonald'due south Menu: Our Total McDonald's Nutrient Card: McDonald's. carte.html. 2020
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  • Keenan, Michael. Geographic Segmentation: What It Is and Why You lot Need It. ManyChat Blog, three Aug. 2020,

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