Percentage calculator

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What is the percentage?

A percent is a ratio whose second term is 100. Percent means parts per hundred. The word comes from the Latin phrase per centum, which means per hundred. In mathematics, we use the symbol % for percent or the abbreviation pct.
For example, 12% (read as 'twelve percent') is equal to 12/100, or 3/25, or 0.12.
Percentages are used to express how large or small one quantity is relative to another quantity.

Percentage in word problems:

  • Researchers
    house Researchers asked 200 families whether or not they were the homeowner and how many cars they had. Their response was homeowner: 14 no car or one car, two or more cars 86, not homeowner: 38 no car or one car, two or more cars 62. What percent of the famili
  • In 2011
    dog In 2011, assuming about 61.3% of the households in Colorado owned pets. Find the decimal notation for 61.3%.
  • Iron
    250px-Iron_electrolytic_and_1cm3_cube Iron ore contains 54% iron. How much ore is needed to produce 23 tons of iron?
  • Seeds 2
    seed How many seeds germinated from 1000 pcs, when 23% no emergence?
  • Profit gain
    percent If 5% more is gained by selling an article for Rs. 350 than by selling it for Rs. 340, the cost of the article is:
  • Class
    absenciaSms In 7.C clss are 10 girls and 20 boys. Yesterday was missing 20% of girls and 50% boys. What percentage of students missing?
  • Summerjob
    tree2 The temporary workers planted new trees. Of the total number of 500 seedlings, they managed to plant 426. How many percents did they meet the daily planting limit?
  • Walking
    cargo_truck Of the 450 students at the school, 432 walks to school. What percentage is this?
  • Duval
    basket Duval went to bat 80 times during a baseball season. In the first half of the season he had 15 hits. In the second half of the season he had 9 hits. Which percent of the time did Duval get a hit during the entire season?
  • Cacao
    chocholate Cacao contains 34% filling. How many grams of filling are in 130 g cacao.
  • Percentages
    permutations_3 52 is what percent of 93?
  • The percentages in practice
    plodina If every tenth apple on the tree is rotten it can be expressed by percentages: 10% of the apples on the tree is rotten. Tell percent using the following information: a. in June rained 6 days b, increase worker pay 500 euros to 50 euros c, grabbed 21 from
  • Level of significance
    normal_d At a certain college it is estimated that 25% of the students have cars on campus. Does this seem to be a valid estimate if in random sample of 90 college students, 28 are found to have cars? Use a 0.05 level of significance.
  • Base, percents, value
    percent Base is 344084 which is 100 %. How many percent is 384177?
  • 100 %
    elephant How much is 100%, if 17 % is 1169?
  • Sales off
    up_to Goods is worth € 70 and the price of goods fell two weeks in a row by 10%. How many % decreased overall?
  • A frequency
    frequency-and-wavelength A frequency table of grades has five classes (A, B, C, D, F) with frequencies of 2,14,13,8 and 1 respectively. Using percentages, what are the relative frequencies of the five classes?

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